Oak Forest Bankruptcy Attorneys

The Illinois law firm of Urban & Burt, Ltd., provides consumer and business bankruptcy representation. Founded in 1952, our law firm offers experienced counsel and representation in Chapter 7, Chapter 11, Chapter 13 and Chapter 12 bankruptcy proceedings. Our lead bankruptcy lawyer, Edmund G. Urban III, has more than 42 years of experience providing legal assistance to clients seeking debt relief through the Bankruptcy Code. Our firm can guide clients through this extremely complex area of the law.

Experience Counts

At Urban & Burt, Ltd., your bankruptcy will be handled by skilled, experienced attorneys who concentrate in the area of Bankruptcy Law. All cases are supervised by Edmund G. Urban III who has over 42 years of Bankruptcy experience handling thousands of Consumer and complex Business bankruptcies. Edmund is a long time member of the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) (abi.org), the nation’s most prestigious organization for bankruptcy professionals in the U.S. and internationally. You will meet with Edmund for a free consultation where he will learn about your situation and develop a plan of attack to address your issues and solve your problems.

We have a reputation for being highly competent and ensuring that things are done right the first time. We see far too many people who come into our office trying to fix situations when others have not done their job in a competent manner. By having skilled attorneys working with our clients, we can ensure the best possible outcome.

In addition to Edmund, you will also work with Leslie Cohen McGregor, who is also a member of the ABI and has over 16 years of experience representing debtors in consumer cases as well as complex commercial cases. Leslie personally handles the entry of all client information into the bankruptcy software to ensure that there are no errors. Errors in schedules are often a serious problem at the big bankruptcy mills when information is added by inexperienced individuals who don’t understand the consequences of the information being provided. Having a skilled lawyer reviewing the information provided by the client and inputting it directly into the bankruptcy software we cut out these errors and mistakes. Leslie also prepares all documents and motions filed in your case. In court and at trustee meetings, you will be represented either by Edmund or Leslie.

Our Bankruptcy attorneys have extensive bankruptcy experience and practice regularly before the bankruptcy court. You will also meet our paralegals, who will assist you to gather necessary documents and coordinating with you to schedule your required credit counseling. We have built an effective team to provide you with the best possible representation. For over 70 years, our firm has represented debtors in bankruptcies providing the fresh start guaranteed under our Constitution.

Bankruptcy Practice

We guide clients through the bankruptcy process, answering their questions about:

  • Foreclosure
  • Credit card debt
  • Medical bills
  • Bankruptcy and Divorce
  • Wage garnishment
  • Repossession
  • Lawsuits and judgments
  • Collections
  • Harassment
  • Payday loans
  • Liens and levies
  • Student Loans in Bankruptcy
  • Drivers’ license issues
  • Consolidating bills
  • Becoming current with house and car payments

We are one of the few suburban law firms to handle Chapter 11 business bankruptcies. Many of our Chapter 11 clients are referred by other attorneys in the area who are seeking experienced bankruptcy representation for their business clients. As a full service law firm, we are also able to help clients with legal matters that may not have a bankruptcy component.

The lawyers at Urban & Burt, Ltd., look forward to a pleasant and productive association with new individual and business clients, and a continuation of established relationships with present clients. Contact us at 708-381-5426 to learn about our law firm and its bankruptcy practice.

Business and Personal Bankruptcy Lawyers

Our attorneys at Urban & Burt, Ltd., offer representation and counsel to clients seeking relief under the Bankruptcy Code. Led by Edmund G. Urban III, a lawyer with over 40 years of legal experience, we represent businesses and individuals in three primary bankruptcy areas:

  • Chapter 7, or straight consumer bankruptcy
  • Chapter 11, or business reorganization bankruptcy
  • Chapter 13, or individual reorganization bankruptcy

Urban & Burt, Ltd. offers experienced counsel and representation for consumer and business bankruptcy in Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 proceedings. With more than 42 years of experience, our lead lawyer Edmund G. Urban III assist’s clients seeking debt relief through the Bankruptcy Code.

The attorneys at Urban & Burt, Ltd. can help you…

  • Stop Foreclosures
  • Stop Wage Garnishments
  • Stop Repossessions
  • Stop Lawsuits and Judgments
  • Stop Collections and Harassment
  • Stop Payday Loans
  • Stop IRS Levies and Liens
  • Protect Your Home, Automobile, and Furniture
  • Protect Your Co-Signers
  • Reinstate Driving Privileges
  • Catch-Up on House and Car Payments
  • Consolidate Your Bills

Bankruptcy laws govern several different types of cases. The four most common are Chapter 7, Chapter 13, Chapter 11, and Chapter 12. Chapter 7 is considered a straight bankruptcy, while Chapters 13, 11, and 12 are forms of reorganization.

In 2005, Congress made numerous changes to bankruptcy law in an attempt to “prevent abuse.” Unfortunately, these changes were made at the request of the banking lobby and have had a serious negative impact on many middle-class individuals. These changes include: required debt counseling before a case can be filed, completion of ‘means testing’, and filing of pay stubs and tax returns to confirm that the debtors cannot afford to pay their debts. Bankruptcy law is rooted in the basic foundation of our country. The United States Constitution Article I, Section 8 provides that:

The Congress shall have Power to establish uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States.

That is the same section of the Constitution that provides Congress with the authority to collect Taxes, pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States. Even our founding fathers thought Bankruptcy relief was an important constitutionally protected right.

You should remember to discuss your entire financial situation with your attorney. Proper consultation with a bankruptcy attorney will ensure that you obtain the best possible result from the many available relief options.

Through bankruptcy relief, many debtors are able to re-establish their credit and get a start fresh. You should never feel embarrassed or ashamed of filing for bankruptcy. If you choose this course, remember that you are in the company of millions of Americans that have made the same step towards a fresh start.

We urge clients to view bankruptcy as a fresh start endorsed by the drafters of the United States Constitution. Bankruptcy is a long-established right; individuals or businesses considering this option should not view bankruptcy with shame or embarrassment. Medical bills and illness, lawsuits, divorce, economic downturns and tax disputes are common and legitimate reasons for filing for bankruptcy. Many famous Americans and nationally known businesses have filed for bankruptcy, including U.S. presidents Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, William McKinley, Harry Truman, and even some of Donald Trump's businesses.

Issues in Bankruptcy

Our bankruptcy representation includes answering clients’ questions about the legal process, available options and their legal rights. This includes addressing matters such as:

These and other debt-related issues are part of the entire financial picture that must be considered when determining the right bankruptcy strategy for a particular client. Our lawyers aim to provide the best bankruptcy representation possible so that clients obtain the relief they need to make a fresh start. As a full-service law firm, we are also able to help clients with legal matters that may not have a bankruptcy component.

Contact the Oak Forest bankruptcy law attorneys at 708-381-5426 to learn about our Illinois law firm and how we help clients begin again through bankruptcy.

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American Bankruptcy Institute Member

The Community's Oldest Law Firm

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